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Sierra EM919x/EM7690 AT Commands

< 1 min read

Here is an on going list of AT commands common for use on the EM9191/EM9190/EM7690 that we have found for use during troubleshooting or customer interactions.

Full AT Command Manual: HERE

Command UseCommand SyntaxOptions / Notes
Enable access to password protected commandsAT!ENTERCND=”<password>”common password is “A710”
Report modem operational statusAT!GSTATUS?none
Customization SettingsAT!CUSTOM?Query the current set list of customizations
AT!CUSTOM=?Return a list of valid customization options
AT!CUSTOM=”IPV6ENABLE”,0Turn off IPV6 ( “IPV6ENABLE”,1 to turn on IPV6)
Check IMEI Number and general modem infoATI
Reset modem to factory defaultsAT!NVRESTORE=0AT!NVRESTORE=? (for command options)
Check Band locksAT!BAND?AT!BAND=? (For command options)
Set all bands to OpenAT!BAND=00zero zero